Monday, April 27, 2009

Hilary's new Condi like Hairdoo

I noticed that while in Iraq, Hilary was sporting a hairdo much like the one of her predecessor. I only wish her policies were more like Condi's. But Hilary did say Things were going will in Iraq..from the look on her face it pained her to say it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Absolute Disgrace!

I can't even comment on these disgraceful photos.

Can't Keep a Good Women Down

I recall a few years ago some talking head on the TV was talking about how Women in the Middle East will hold the key to the future of Islam and the middle east. How they will be the main force to take back their religion and reject the violence that the extreme elements in Islam are trying to spread to the rest of the world. Here is a article that made me think that yes that could be possible. This article shows how some of the brave women in Afghanistan have been given a taste of freedom (Thanks to the US Military and President Bush) and now they are raising their voices to say they will not tolerate violent treatment in their marriages. It is a great read. Be thankful everyday for your freedom and the rule of law.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Smurf is getting Tea-ed off!

I will be participating in a NoVA Tea Party after I work hard at my day job and pay my taxes today. I will be getting togeather with some great friends and we will be out letting our collective voice be heard! My friend has a sign "Don't Tax me bro" and my sign will say "Obama, Bow to me! The Taxpayer!" I will post pictures later until then keep the tax revolt going! Outrageous spending and massive taxation must be stopped. Obama are you listening?