Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flip-flop Alert

Looks like the Obama White House is changing it's mind and is now going to block the release of the "torture" photos. Well done! Finally some common sense coming out of the White House...too bad for the ACLU...but a great victory for National Security! Some other comments from the blogsphere: Lorie Byrd: “I don’t understand how Obama argues that these pictures would endanger the troops, but that the “torture memos” he released did not. I have to wonder if he now believes he should not have released those memos. If he does regret it, is it because of national security concerns or politics?”
Andy McCarthy yesterday: “If President Obama wanted to refrain from releasing these photos in order to protect the military forces he commands or promote the security of Americans — his two highest obligations as president — he could do so by simply issuing an executive order. The applicable statute expressly allows for it, just as it provides for Congress — now in the firm control of the president and his party — to withhold the photos from disclosure.”

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