Monday, March 2, 2009

Obama's tax contract for America

Via ABC News: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich charged Friday that the cap-and-trade proposal contained in President Barack Obama's budget amounts to a $640 billion "energy tax" over eight years that will break the new president's pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.
"Let me get this straight," said Gingrich. "We're not going to raise tax on anybody making under $250,000 a year unless you use electricity. And we are not going to raise taxes on anybody under $250,000 a year unless you buy gasoline. And we are not going to raise taxes on anybody who makes under $250,000 a year unless you buy heating oil. And we're not going to raise taxes on anybody who earns less $250,000 a year unless you use natural gas." read more:

But, But, But, Obama said we won't pay a dime in new taxes if we make under $250,000. Oh, so I need to look at Obama's actions now? Hmmm, looks like the middle class is gonna get taxed no matter what. Cause cap-and-trade will cause businesses, energy suppliers, manufacturers etc. to raise prices and pass it along to consumers (hidden tax courtesy of Obama's policys). Hey, cows give off methane...Will we soon see cap-and-trade $50.00 steaks at the super market...Watch the price of eggs and meat under the Obama Administration! I have a feeling you will be shocked at how much they cost in a few years.

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