Wednesday, March 4, 2009 Update

Nothing new to report on the President answering the emails I wrote to him a few weeks ago. But he has been busy designing a spiffy new logo...hmmm it looks very much like an "O". Could that be an "O" for Obama? And one more tidbit. It looks like Obama wants us to follow the "Yellow Brick Road" his graph from the site our lining data on the transportation highway funds look like massive yellow bricks!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Smurf!

    I heard you at the Arlington County Republican Committee Meeting and heard you mention your blog (I too am a blogger). I like your post about the "O" symbol- I feel like every new design coming out by anyone today has that same "O" look- I guess you could say everyone is kind of riding on the coattails and trying to profit off his popularity (which, according to polls, may not continue for much longer).

    On the same note, I have also noticed at the ACRC meetings (while everyone talks about Obama) there is a fairly large symbol overlooking (and overlooked by) us. It is the NRECA symbol- but without the green coloring (it is all gold in the meeting room, i believe) it resembles a very familiar and popular symbol used by our President during the election. Just thought I would point it out in case your eyes happen to wander while your in the meeting and you wanted a good ironic thought to smile about...

    Keep Blogging! Hope to see you at the next meeting!
