Friday, February 20, 2009

Big Brother "Obama Style" = Shut Up and Drive

My Friend just sent me this AP article! You have to read it to believe it.

This is another example of the Obama Administration creating BIG Government programs that become very intrusive in our lives. Can you imagine a world where your car has a government mandated GPS unit to track your every mile? Who is gonna pay for that? Who will pay for the maintenance of the GPS unit? If it breaks and you don't know it are you going to be fined and owe back taxes? What about the poor who can't afford one or people who live in rural area that have to drive more miles to work or school? Are we the tax payer going to also subsidise the GPS units for the poor? Think of it if you have to drive to graduate school how much is the tax on every mile going to add to your cost of your education because you have to drive to school when you are going to school to make more money and improve your standard of living? Think of the implication on commerce and our every day lives!!! Where the government will profit if you get lost or make a wrong turn! Outrageous!!!! Wake up America!!!

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