Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This day will live in Smurf Infamy...

This is what $787,000,000,000.00 looks like. :(
I have been wanting to start a political blog for some time now. Mostly because I am passionate about politics but to also use it as a tool for my one small American voice to sound off on my disillusion with many of the political establishment in Washington. As I type this first entry My President is signing into law the most expensive economic spending plan in history. This blog will monitor the President's http://www.recovery.gov/ web site over the next 4 years of his term. I have named this blog redwhitebluesmurf because of a funny but ominous search function on the recovery.gov site. I miss spelled the word vulnerable (I was searching the meaning of "Protect the vulnerable" from the economic stimulus package) and I was sent to the page that flags your spelling and search error. I arrived at blue smurf!

" Your search yielded no results
Check if your spelling is correct.
Remove quotes around phrases to match each word individually: "blue smurf" will match less than blue smurf.
Consider loosening your query with OR: blue smurf will match less than blue OR smurf. "


It reminded me of the Obama's "Blue" color of his campaign that blue that I got so sick of looking at much of last year... how appropriate that you get sent to the smurf blue. I mentioned earlier of the ominous tone to this search...we as I recall smurf were as sort of socialist society all working for the common good...sharing everything. As a child I watch the cartoon religiously and live in that fantasy world for a few hours a week. But then I had to grow up and realise that the my reality was that capitalism is the best way for America to prosper. Stay tuned!

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