Monday, February 23, 2009

Obama lectures on Fiscal Responsibility

The absolute gall of our President!
Here is a quote from our President at the Fiscal Responsibility Summit, “the casual dishonesty of hiding irresponsible spending with clever accounting tricks, the costly overruns, the fraud and abuse, the endless excuses. This is exactly what the American people rejected when they went to the polls. They sent us here to usher in a new era of responsibility in Washington, to start living within our means again and being straight with them about where their tax dollars are going.” ~President Obama

Unreal! Does our President think the American people are asleep? That we don't remember what he did last week? He just signed into law the most expensive stimulus package in the history of the world and the very next week holds a Fiscal Responsibility Summit? I can't believe what this guy thinks he can get away with! It is unbelievable! He tells us that "the American people want a new era of responsibility in Washington", when his bill was crafted in a way that it exploited everything that is corrupt about Washington. The huge stimulus bill is arguably the most irresponsible piece of legislation ever and he lectures on the need for fiscal responsibility when his bill is no such thing. It is like Obama lives in a fantasy world that people will not look at his actions but just listen to his speeches and think that everything he says must be the truth. It is like his speech writers are completely cut off from reality. Wow...this blows me away...

I love the part where he says, "This is exactly what the American people rejected when they went to the polls". This reminds me so much of Obama's "I won" defense he uses to get his way.
Well, I hope America wakes up to Obama's reckless spending the truth and facts are part of History and I hope those same voters that "rejected" "irresponsible spending" will remember Obama's track record regardless of how he spins his "casual dishonesty of hiding irresponsible spending"

Wake up America! Is spending 787,000,000,000.00 being responsible?

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