Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is "Protecting the Vulnerable"?

On the web site recovery.gov. Obama Stimulus chart has a section "Protecting the Vulnerable" What does that phrase mean? and why does it cost US taxpayers 81 Billion Dollars? What is "Protecting the Vulnerable"? I'm on the case to find out. My first impression is that it is a form of welfare payments, or is it abortion related (unborn babies are vulnerable, right?), or is it infrastructure related? Anyway it sounds like someone needs protecting and we will see how our government is going to do that with 81 Billion Dollars.
I have sent a email and when Obama answers my questions I will let you know...

I'm sure we will be waiting a long time...(crickets)
ps. This chart is named investment bubble (strait from the gov web site)! lol! All bubbles eventually pop don't they?

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