Monday, February 23, 2009

Obama to soak the Rich?

Can this be true? Maybe it is a blessing in disguise? Hold on to your hats and wallets any insensitive to get rich or be successful will be a distant memory. Get ready to be taxed and judging from History this move may be Obama's undoing... Read this for more information:

I laughed at Obama's plan to increase the capital gains tax, when I heard it on the news last night. Who is making any money on the stock market? So the few that do manage to make some money back will see more of it go to the government.

My friend asked me 'What do I want government to do for me?" My reply hits at the core of this blog entry. I want to keep more of my money and not pay exorbitant taxes if I choose to work hard and become rich. I want lower taxes for all, because that creates more opportunity for investment's in the private sector and that creates jobs. When I opened my small business over 10 years ago, I had to pay the government money just to start conducting business, even before I started making dollar one. I want government to stay out of the way of business and let the free market create jobs. And yes I want smart regulations and government over site on the sectors that need it. The way Obama wants to create jobs like the ones in Obama's Stimulus plan are not long term jobs. Construction jobs are seasonal and they end when the job is completed. We need investment in new emerging companies that offer long term growth. The deregulation and tax cuts in the 80's under Reagan created the explosive growth that allowed companies like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft to flourish and create jobs, career paths, and wealth for lots of people. I want my government to do more of that. Who do you think funds private sector ventures? Rich people! The so called Angel Investors! That's who. Well under Obama's plan they are going to have less money to invest because he is going to tax them. So we will have less innovation and less job creation in the private sector.

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