Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Michelle Obama's Muscular Arms

They say that First Ladys start fashion trends. I don't know many women that will rush out an buy sleeveless dresses to wear in the cold winter. Our brave First Lady Michelle shrugs off the cold and bears her arms. The sleeveless look is truly her favorite, see the cover of Vouge this month and you will see more of those famous arms. You know that Michelle's Vouge pose reminds me so much of another First Lady's pose in a vintage picture. Wow even the lamp, drapes and couch are dead on! Hmmm...Has Annie Lebowist run out of new ideas? Or are they selling Michelle O as the next Jackie O? Well as the old saying goes "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery" and so it is for following fashion trends. Bear those arms Ladies!

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