Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A Split Decision

A University of Notre Dame graduate displays on her mortar board her membership in the ND Response Pro-Life group, bottom right, and another graduate with a Barack Obama campaign emblem on their mortar board, top left, participate in commencement ceremonies in South Bend, Ind., Sunday, May 17, 2009.(AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

This is interesting..."Today LifeNews reported that Barack Obama's budget calls for taxpayer funded abortions in the nation's capital.
President Barack Obama's new federal budget calls for taxpayer funded abortions in the nation's capital. Although Obama has promised Americans he wants to reduce the number of abortions, one pro-life group says he is violating that promise by calling for taxpayer-financed abortions in the District of Columbia.The budget Obama submitted to Congress urges the House and Senate to repeal a law sometimes called the Dornan amendment that has prevented tax-funded abortion in the District of Columbia for many years.Congress, as authorized by the U.S. Constitution, holds complete legislative authority over the District of Columbia and, therefore, determines whether taxpayer dollars will be used to fund abortions for poor women there." http://www.lifenews.com/nat5031.html for more of the gory details.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tom Bulmer hits the Nail on the Head

Via pajamasmedia Tom Bulmer's column has a funny recall of Obama's treatment of some of his big spending contributors. Funny stuff.
"Some of Obama’s supporters are just now recognizing this dreadful situation. They’re not liking what they’re seeing — and experiencing.
The UK Telegraph reported on May 10 that “some of Barack Obama’s richest supporters fear they have elected a ‘class warrior’ to the White House, who will turn America’s freewheeling capitalism into a more regulated European system.” You don’t say. In fact, Obama has said that he wants the financial sector to play a much smaller future role in the economy. He actually wants to take government intervention further than European countries ever have. It looks like $3 million in campaign contributions doesn’t buy what it used to.
Tom Lauria, the lawyer who properly complained that Obama and his car guys used threats and intimidation to trample on the first-lien contractual rights of the non-TARP lenders he represented in Chrysler’s bankruptcy negotiations, gave $10,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. Too bad for Mr. Lauria that there isn’t a lemon law for political contributions.
High-tech company execs, whose contributions to Obama and Democrats were far higher than those made to John McCain and Republicans, thought that their campaign money might cause a President Obama to let them do their innovative thing. After all, tech is the future growth engine of a struggling economy, right? Forget it. Obama’s proposed taxation of corporate profits on overseas operations would, if enacted, hurt them and the economy severely.
Now advertisers, a largely liberal bunch who named the Obama campaign Advertising Age’s 2008 Marketer of the Year, and who admired how he “killed Election Day,” are feeling the wrath of dear leader. You see, government-run Chrysler is spending too much on something and it needs to be cut in half. That “something” is advertising. Telling Obama and company every day that they’re cool and hip didn’t work out too well.
These and many of the other elites who have thus far been affected, or soon will be, have plenty of excuses, but no valid justifications, for why they are where they are. They are supposed to be among the engaged. They have a vested interest in paying close attention to reality and getting past the campaign hype. Instead, they fell for it all, hook, line, and sinker.
Now the game has changed to “how can we play along with this guy and not get hurt, or at least not get hurt too badly?” Sadly, the only reason they may be spared is that they’re lucky, not smart."

George Will hit it out of the Park

This is the last sentence from a great column put out by Washington Post Writers group,
"Tincture of Lawlessness"by George Will. It is worth reading all of it. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2009/05/14/tincture_of_lawlessness_96482.html
"The Obama administration's agenda of maximizing dependency involves political favoritism cloaked in the raiment of "economic planning" and "social justice" that somehow produce results superior to what markets produce when freedom allows merit to manifest itself, and incompetence to fail. The administration's central activity -- the political allocation of wealth and opportunity -- is not merely susceptible to corruption, it is corruption." Yes, Chicago Politics has indeed come to Washington! Change!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flip-flop Alert

Looks like the Obama White House is changing it's mind and is now going to block the release of the "torture" photos. Well done! Finally some common sense coming out of the White House...too bad for the ACLU...but a great victory for National Security! Some other comments from the blogsphere: Lorie Byrd: “I don’t understand how Obama argues that these pictures would endanger the troops, but that the “torture memos” he released did not. I have to wonder if he now believes he should not have released those memos. If he does regret it, is it because of national security concerns or politics?”
Andy McCarthy yesterday: “If President Obama wanted to refrain from releasing these photos in order to protect the military forces he commands or promote the security of Americans — his two highest obligations as president — he could do so by simply issuing an executive order. The applicable statute expressly allows for it, just as it provides for Congress — now in the firm control of the president and his party — to withhold the photos from disclosure.”

Shame:Obama bending the law to payback votes

Obama is acting like no scholar of the US Constitution. Sad, but true. This via Powerline: "The Obama administration's misbehavior in the matter of Chrysyler is fundamentally inconsistent with the Constitution and the rule of law. In today's Wall Street Journal, Professor Todd Zywicki explains:
The close relationship between the rule of law and the enforceability of contracts, especially credit contracts, was well understood by the Framers of the U.S. Constitution. A primary reason they wanted it was the desire to escape the economic chaos spawned by debtor-friendly state laws during the period of the Articles of Confederation. Hence the Contracts Clause of Article V of the Constitution, which prohibited states from interfering with the obligation to pay debts. Hence also the Bankruptcy Clause of Article I, Section 8, which delegated to the federal government the sole authority to enact "uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies." The Obama administration's behavior in the Chrysler bankruptcy is a profound challenge to the rule of law. Secured creditors -- entitled to first priority payment under the "absolute priority rule" -- have been browbeaten by an American president into accepting only 30 cents on the dollar of their claims. Meanwhile, the United Auto Workers union, holding junior creditor claims, will get about 50 cents on the dollar. The absolute priority rule is a linchpin of bankruptcy law. By preserving the substantive property and contract rights of creditors, it ensures that bankruptcy is used primarily as a procedural mechanism for the efficient resolution of financial distress. Chapter 11 promotes economic efficiency by reorganizing viable but financially distressed firms, i.e., firms that are worth more alive than dead. Violating absolute priority undermines this commitment by introducing questions of redistribution into the process. It enables the rights of senior creditors to be plundered in order to benefit the rights of junior creditors."
This is what you get in the Age of Obama. Pretty sobering for a man who campaigned on a new age of transparency and ethics. Looks like the rule of law need not apply in the Age of Obama, dare I say the "Lawless President".

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hilary's new Condi like Hairdoo

I noticed that while in Iraq, Hilary was sporting a hairdo much like the one of her predecessor. I only wish her policies were more like Condi's. But Hilary did say Things were going will in Iraq..from the look on her face it pained her to say it.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Absolute Disgrace!

I can't even comment on these disgraceful photos.

Can't Keep a Good Women Down

I recall a few years ago some talking head on the TV was talking about how Women in the Middle East will hold the key to the future of Islam and the middle east. How they will be the main force to take back their religion and reject the violence that the extreme elements in Islam are trying to spread to the rest of the world. Here is a article that made me think that yes that could be possible. This article shows how some of the brave women in Afghanistan have been given a taste of freedom (Thanks to the US Military and President Bush) and now they are raising their voices to say they will not tolerate violent treatment in their marriages. It is a great read. Be thankful everyday for your freedom and the rule of law.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Smurf is getting Tea-ed off!

I will be participating in a NoVA Tea Party after I work hard at my day job and pay my taxes today. I will be getting togeather with some great friends and we will be out letting our collective voice be heard! My friend has a sign "Don't Tax me bro" and my sign will say "Obama, Bow to me! The Taxpayer!" I will post pictures later until then keep the tax revolt going! Outrageous spending and massive taxation must be stopped. Obama are you listening?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama still a liar

This commentary is worth reading. Obama is still a bald faced liar!
He won't taker responsibility for anything he does! It like he is admitting that we are having 4 more years of George Bush! That's what he kept chanting the entire campaign that a vote for McCain was like 4 more years and now he constantly defers to blaming his decisions on George Bush. Unreal!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama the Gaffe-tastic President

Obama is a one man gaffe machine when he is not being led by his teleprompter machine. I did not watch but some how knew Obama going on Jay Leno would not make me feel any better about the President. I was right. Here is the best reaction so far from the ill fated joke by Obama on Jay Leno.

Via Brett Bart:
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - Maria Shriver says President Barack Obama's joke comparing his poor bowling score to that of a Special Olympics athlete was hurtful, although she is sure he didn't mean it that way.
California's first lady issued a statement Friday, a day after the president made the gaffe on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Obama later called Maria's brother, Special Olympics Chairman Tim Shriver, to apologize.

The siblings' mother, Eunice Kennedy-Shriver, founded the Special Olympics and has championed the rights of the mentally disabled.
Maria Shriver says the reaction to Obama's joke shows there is still more work to do. She says laughing at such comments "hurts millions of people throughout the world."
Shriver, a Democrat, supported Obama's presidential campaign.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't you mess with "Mad Money"

Jim Crammer (host of Mad Money on CNN) gives an awesome response to the WH after they picked on him for criticizing the Administrations economic agenda, plans and policies. It is worth reading all of it. BTW Crammer is another disillusioned Obama voter who is surprised by the radical turn he is taking the country.

Some great portions below:
"This is an agenda that must be held back for better times. It is an agenda that at this moment is radical vs. what is called for. I am proud to have voted for the Obama who I thought understood the need to get us on the right path, and create jobs and wealth before taxing it and making moves that hurt job creation -- certainly ones that will outweigh the meager number of jobs he's creating. Most important, I believe his agenda is crushing nest eggs around the nation in loud ways, like the decline in the averages, and in soft but dangerous ways, like in the annuities that can't be paid and the insurance benefits that will be challenging to deliver on.

So I will fight the fight against that agenda. I will stand up for what I believe and for what I have always believed: Every person has a right to be rich in this country and I want to help them get there. And when they get there, if times are good, we can have them give back or pay higher taxes. Until they get there, I don't want them shackled or scared or paralyzed. That's what I see now.

If that makes me an enemy of the White House, then call me a general of an army that Obama may not even know exists -- tens of millions of people who live in fear of having no money saved when they need it and who get poorer by the day."

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Recovery.gov Update

Nothing new to report on the President answering the emails I wrote to him a few weeks ago. But he has been busy designing a spiffy new logo...hmmm it looks very much like an "O". Could that be an "O" for Obama? And one more tidbit. It looks like Obama wants us to follow the "Yellow Brick Road" his graph from the recovery.gov site our lining data on the transportation highway funds look like massive yellow bricks!

Commie Fashion-chic

Communist fashion is making a comeback via ADIDAS...I'm sure Sean Pen and Bill Ayers will be ordering some to wear soon. Hey Comrades when am I getting my bailout so I can "Show my love for the former USSR". For the cost of about what Obama's going to give us in our paycheck from the stimulus we can have commie accessories!

Marueen Dowd...I agree with you {?!!!)

I never in my life believed I would blog about how I agree with the "super liberal" New York Times's Op-Ed columnist Maureen Dowd. I can't tell you how strange this feels, but I think it is a sign of things to come in the Age of Obama. Even the most liberal pundits can't rationalize Obama's reckless fiscal behavior. I recommend reading it all (see post below), here are a few choice excerpts I never in my life would think that Maureen Dowd would pen:

"In one of his disturbing spells of passivity, President Obama decided not to fight Congress and live up to his own no-earmark pledge from the campaign. He’s been lecturing us on the need to prune away frills while the economy fizzles. He was slated to make a speech on “wasteful spending” on Wednesday{3.4.09}..."

“You know, there are times where you can afford to redecorate your house and there are times where you need to focus on rebuilding its foundation,” he said recently about the “hard choices” we must make. Yet he did not ask Congress to sacrifice and make hard choices; he let it do a lot of frivolous redecorating in its budget..."

"Team Obama sounds hollow, chanting that “the status quo is not acceptable,” even while conceding that the president is accepting the status quo by signing a budget festooned with pork."
Read on: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/04/opinion/04dowd.html?_r=1

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama blind to Wall Street

Obama now tries to sell us the idea that you should'nt be paying attention to the everyday "gyrations of the stock market". Is he even looking at the stock market? He goes on to say this: "And, you know, the stock market is sort of like a tracking poll in politics. You know, it bobs up and down day to day. And if you spend all your time worrying about that, then you're probably going to get the long-term strategy wrong." Hello Obama! The market has no confidence in your policies! Maybe the market is telling you that you have the wrong long-term strategy for this country!

More from the WSG:

Monday, March 2, 2009

WH prescription for winter doldrums: Go Sleeveless

The First Lady's official White House portrait has been released. And as you can see Michelle has selected yet another sleeveless number. Hmmm...I wonder if we are seeing a subliminal message here. As during the Great World Wars, designers limited the use of fabric because the Government was using much of it on the war effort. Can the lack of sleeves on the dresses of our First Lady be a clear sign that all Americans should refrain from having clothing with sleeves, thus doing their duty to limit the fabric on covering the arms and therefore saving on the fabric production of sleeves to help the War on Terror? Something to think about... more on Michelle: http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/michelle_obama/

Obama's tax contract for America

Via ABC News: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich charged Friday that the cap-and-trade proposal contained in President Barack Obama's budget amounts to a $640 billion "energy tax" over eight years that will break the new president's pledge not to raise taxes on the middle class.
"Let me get this straight," said Gingrich. "We're not going to raise tax on anybody making under $250,000 a year unless you use electricity. And we are not going to raise taxes on anybody under $250,000 a year unless you buy gasoline. And we are not going to raise taxes on anybody who makes under $250,000 a year unless you buy heating oil. And we're not going to raise taxes on anybody who earns less $250,000 a year unless you use natural gas." read more: http://blogs.abcnews.com/thenote/2009/02/gingrich-rips-o.html

But, But, But, Obama said we won't pay a dime in new taxes if we make under $250,000. Oh, so I need to look at Obama's actions now? Hmmm, looks like the middle class is gonna get taxed no matter what. Cause cap-and-trade will cause businesses, energy suppliers, manufacturers etc. to raise prices and pass it along to consumers (hidden tax courtesy of Obama's policys). Hey, cows give off methane...Will we soon see cap-and-trade $50.00 steaks at the super market...Watch the price of eggs and meat under the Obama Administration! I have a feeling you will be shocked at how much they cost in a few years.

Keeping his eye on the Ball...

So the US and possibly the world is in Economic free fall and last Friday our President had enough time in his busy schedule to catch some free throws live at the Wizards game in DC. I heard he had a good time being a normal guy despite the Dow almost tanking into 6000 territory. If only the ticker at the NYSE had a basket ball on it, would Obama then pay attention that every ones stocks are tanking. Thanks, and Love the casual outfit Barry.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Actions vs. Words

Here is a quote from The Union Leader editorial page. I could not have said it better myself!
"The President's own words do not match his actions. He decries irresponsible borrowing and spending while irresponsibly borrowing and spending. He opposes big government while initiating one of the largest expansions of government in U.S. history. He praises bipartisanship while dismissing Republican ideas out of hand. We have a President who believes he can fool the American people into accepting a radical agenda by simply telling us it is not what it plainly is. It is time the American people started paying more attention to what President Obama is doing and less attention to what he is saying."

Read the whole thing: http://unionleader.com/article.aspx?headline=Obama%27s+words%3a+Pretty%2c+but+untrue&articleId=440c9350-141b-49e0-8986-6c89d0f6e627

The Democrats' Legacy for our Children

Michael Ramirez gets it! More of his great work at: http://www.cfif.org/htdocs/freedomline/cartoon-corner/index.php

Obama gives Hamas a Stimulus Package too!

Go to the following links to see some seething commentary on this outrage from the Obama Administration!



President Bush made efforts to freeze funds going to Terrorist groups and the Obama Administration does an about face and sends U.S.Tax payers dollars direct to terrorist safe havens in Gaza. Unreal! It is like a nightmare everyday with Obama!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

$36 Billion a Day

From Fox News, Posted by: Dwayne Horner at 12:24 AM
GOP Chairman Michael Steele was on Hannity tonight and pointed out a great point, "Barack Obama has spent $36 BILLION dollars a day since taking office."

Just think what $36 Billion adds up to:
- 1.5 billion dollars an hour
- 25 million dollars a minute
- 416 thousand dollars a second

Or to put it this way, he has had nearly six million seconds in office .... so under the spending of Barack Obama, we could have purchased a $100,000 house for more than 12 MILLION people in America since January 20th. That's more than New York City and Los Angeles COMBINED.

Obama Floats over Germany

This picture is from a German Parade. Via Associated Press. I have no comment...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Michelle Obama's Muscular Arms

They say that First Ladys start fashion trends. I don't know many women that will rush out an buy sleeveless dresses to wear in the cold winter. Our brave First Lady Michelle shrugs off the cold and bears her arms. The sleeveless look is truly her favorite, see the cover of Vouge this month and you will see more of those famous arms. You know that Michelle's Vouge pose reminds me so much of another First Lady's pose in a vintage picture. Wow even the lamp, drapes and couch are dead on! Hmmm...Has Annie Lebowist run out of new ideas? Or are they selling Michelle O as the next Jackie O? Well as the old saying goes "Imitation is the sincerest of flattery" and so it is for following fashion trends. Bear those arms Ladies!

Obama declares War on Cancer

Now he will heal the sick! I guess we really should start believing all the talk of him being the Messiah. JFK put a man on the moon, Reagan toppled Communism, and now Obama will finally find a cure for cancer. From his speech last night he said he wants to find a cure for cancer "in our time" That will be a great legacy to leave if it can be done in 4 years.

Biden looks very Smurfy

Vice President "Nobody messes with Joe" Biden was caught wearing Smurf Blue! Via AP/Photo Pablo Martinez Monsivais Check out that tie! Papa Smurf would be prowd. Well it sure beats Nancy "Cheshire Cat Smile" Pelose in pea soup green "I'm not sure if that is a suit".

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Favorite American too!

Read this commentary. It Rocks! and so does Rick Santelli!

Obama lectures on Fiscal Responsibility

The absolute gall of our President!
Here is a quote from our President at the Fiscal Responsibility Summit, “the casual dishonesty of hiding irresponsible spending with clever accounting tricks, the costly overruns, the fraud and abuse, the endless excuses. This is exactly what the American people rejected when they went to the polls. They sent us here to usher in a new era of responsibility in Washington, to start living within our means again and being straight with them about where their tax dollars are going.” ~President Obama

Unreal! Does our President think the American people are asleep? That we don't remember what he did last week? He just signed into law the most expensive stimulus package in the history of the world and the very next week holds a Fiscal Responsibility Summit? I can't believe what this guy thinks he can get away with! It is unbelievable! He tells us that "the American people want a new era of responsibility in Washington", when his bill was crafted in a way that it exploited everything that is corrupt about Washington. The huge stimulus bill is arguably the most irresponsible piece of legislation ever and he lectures on the need for fiscal responsibility when his bill is no such thing. It is like Obama lives in a fantasy world that people will not look at his actions but just listen to his speeches and think that everything he says must be the truth. It is like his speech writers are completely cut off from reality. Wow...this blows me away...

I love the part where he says, "This is exactly what the American people rejected when they went to the polls". This reminds me so much of Obama's "I won" defense he uses to get his way.
Well, I hope America wakes up to Obama's reckless spending the truth and facts are part of History and I hope those same voters that "rejected" "irresponsible spending" will remember Obama's track record regardless of how he spins his "casual dishonesty of hiding irresponsible spending"

Wake up America! Is spending 787,000,000,000.00 being responsible?

Obama to soak the Rich?

Can this be true? Maybe it is a blessing in disguise? Hold on to your hats and wallets any insensitive to get rich or be successful will be a distant memory. Get ready to be taxed and judging from History this move may be Obama's undoing... Read this for more information: http://hotair.com/archives/2009/02/23/obama-plans-soak-the-rich-class-warfare-economics/

I laughed at Obama's plan to increase the capital gains tax, when I heard it on the news last night. Who is making any money on the stock market? So the few that do manage to make some money back will see more of it go to the government.

My friend asked me 'What do I want government to do for me?" My reply hits at the core of this blog entry. I want to keep more of my money and not pay exorbitant taxes if I choose to work hard and become rich. I want lower taxes for all, because that creates more opportunity for investment's in the private sector and that creates jobs. When I opened my small business over 10 years ago, I had to pay the government money just to start conducting business, even before I started making dollar one. I want government to stay out of the way of business and let the free market create jobs. And yes I want smart regulations and government over site on the sectors that need it. The way Obama wants to create jobs like the ones in Obama's Stimulus plan are not long term jobs. Construction jobs are seasonal and they end when the job is completed. We need investment in new emerging companies that offer long term growth. The deregulation and tax cuts in the 80's under Reagan created the explosive growth that allowed companies like Apple, IBM, and Microsoft to flourish and create jobs, career paths, and wealth for lots of people. I want my government to do more of that. Who do you think funds private sector ventures? Rich people! The so called Angel Investors! That's who. Well under Obama's plan they are going to have less money to invest because he is going to tax them. So we will have less innovation and less job creation in the private sector.

Another bash America session at the Oscars

At the Academy Awards America Bashing is Golden... Here is a quote from a guy who had just achieved pinnacle of success for his craft.

"I think America is cool again, for the first time in my lifetime."~Danny Boyle, Director of Slum Dog Millionaire after his movie won 8 Academy Awards.

Unbelievable, he wins these great honors and he still feels the need to Bash America...I hope he appreciates all the Americans standing in line and paying their hard earned money to support his movie. Talk about insulting your customers. I wonder if he is taking cues from our First Lady Michelle Obama. Remember on the campaign trail in 2008, she said, "For the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country..." So I guess in his mind when we have a cool President by osmosis America is cool again. Well Mr. Boyle, next time try showing America some respect for the first time in your lifetime.

USS New York

This is a heart warming story my friend Meghan sent me! Amazing!

"The USS New York was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center. It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions th at include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept 9, 2003, 'those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.' Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.' The ship's motto? 'Never Forget' Please keep this going so everyone can see what we are made of in this country! "

More: http://www.ussnewyork.com/

The Father of our Country knew the importance of a strong Navy...

"It follows than as certain as that night succeeds the day, that without a decisive naval force we can do nothing definitive, and with it, everything honorable and glorious." ~President George Washington, 15 November 1781, to Marquis de Lafayette.
[The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources 1745-1799. vol.23. (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1937): 341.]

Friday, February 20, 2009

Top Cop & Cowards

Link to Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by Attorney General Eric Holder at the Department of Justice African American History Month Program http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/speeches/2009/ag-speech-090218.html

Here is my response to the comments of Mr. Holder Esq:
Simply, a quote from a former Great President, "A coward is much more exposed to quarrels than a man of spirit." ~Thomas Jefferson

Know any good Lawyer Jokes?

Big Brother "Obama Style" = Shut Up and Drive

My Friend just sent me this AP article! You have to read it to believe it.


This is another example of the Obama Administration creating BIG Government programs that become very intrusive in our lives. Can you imagine a world where your car has a government mandated GPS unit to track your every mile? Who is gonna pay for that? Who will pay for the maintenance of the GPS unit? If it breaks and you don't know it are you going to be fined and owe back taxes? What about the poor who can't afford one or people who live in rural area that have to drive more miles to work or school? Are we the tax payer going to also subsidise the GPS units for the poor? Think of it if you have to drive to graduate school how much is the tax on every mile going to add to your cost of your education because you have to drive to school when you are going to school to make more money and improve your standard of living? Think of the implication on commerce and our every day lives!!! Where the government will profit if you get lost or make a wrong turn! Outrageous!!!! Wake up America!!!

The Clinton Factor

Why do I see Billl Clinton every where I turn around. On CBS and Fox....Spinning Obama's agenda. It is pretty amazing that Obama gets an ex-President to be his mouth piece. As if every time Bill Clinton reassures us that Obama has everything under control, we should all feel better? I wonder if this is the deal that they worked out in the meetings they had the week September 11th last year. It would have been very educational listening in on a meeting between to narcissist cement a deal where they can both share the lime-light when President Obama's approval ratings are sinking as a result of the administration's bad policies.

Not far off...Bill seems to be in full damage control mode on behalf of Obama...Maybe he is getting his great wish his 3rd term as President...or is he Mentor-in-Chief to the current Trainee-President?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What is "Protecting the Vulnerable"?

On the web site recovery.gov. Obama Stimulus chart has a section "Protecting the Vulnerable" What does that phrase mean? and why does it cost US taxpayers 81 Billion Dollars? What is "Protecting the Vulnerable"? I'm on the case to find out. My first impression is that it is a form of welfare payments, or is it abortion related (unborn babies are vulnerable, right?), or is it infrastructure related? Anyway it sounds like someone needs protecting and we will see how our government is going to do that with 81 Billion Dollars.
I have sent a email and when Obama answers my questions I will let you know...

I'm sure we will be waiting a long time...(crickets)
ps. This chart is named investment bubble (strait from the gov web site)! lol! All bubbles eventually pop don't they?

This day will live in Smurf Infamy...

This is what $787,000,000,000.00 looks like. :(
I have been wanting to start a political blog for some time now. Mostly because I am passionate about politics but to also use it as a tool for my one small American voice to sound off on my disillusion with many of the political establishment in Washington. As I type this first entry My President is signing into law the most expensive economic spending plan in history. This blog will monitor the President's http://www.recovery.gov/ web site over the next 4 years of his term. I have named this blog redwhitebluesmurf because of a funny but ominous search function on the recovery.gov site. I miss spelled the word vulnerable (I was searching the meaning of "Protect the vulnerable" from the economic stimulus package) and I was sent to the page that flags your spelling and search error. I arrived at blue smurf!

" Your search yielded no results
Check if your spelling is correct.
Remove quotes around phrases to match each word individually: "blue smurf" will match less than blue smurf.
Consider loosening your query with OR: blue smurf will match less than blue OR smurf. "


It reminded me of the Obama's "Blue" color of his campaign that blue that I got so sick of looking at much of last year... how appropriate that you get sent to the smurf blue. I mentioned earlier of the ominous tone to this search...we as I recall smurf were as sort of socialist society all working for the common good...sharing everything. As a child I watch the cartoon religiously and live in that fantasy world for a few hours a week. But then I had to grow up and realise that the my reality was that capitalism is the best way for America to prosper. Stay tuned!